General Messages > COVID-19 Pandemic Sharing
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Shared: 11 April 20
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Detailed Notes: COV001
My personal reflections on COVID-19 pandemic 10.4.20
Dear brethren,
Thank you for praying for me in my preparation to share with you on the theme: Going through this period meaningfully
The main thrust of what I am sharing are things very important to the Lord – that He wants His children to understand and be convicted and committed to
I would appreciate your prayers together with me
We know the COVID-19 pandemic is very serious, with far-reaching implications – worldwide:
Health: huge numbers infected/many dying/died – going on unabated - health care systems are stretched, and some find it overwhelming - may not be able to cope.
Economic implications: world economy plummeting/national economies seriously disrupted, going downhill – heading in the direction of worldwide recession, many companies, businesses cannot function properly, many have difficulty keeping afloat, many going bankrupt or simply not viable to carry on – if not for massive governmental intervention and huge injection of funds.
Far reaching Social implications: with the world economy plummeting and business shutdown - many unemployed/underemployed - many more may lose their jobs; significant travel restrictions, schools shutdown.
With social distancing, millions unable to go about life as usual – stay home, lockdown – are terms many keep hearing.
COVID-19 pandemic has been described as unprecedented, global, most serious global crisis since WW2.
Where is it heading?
How long will it last?
Important questions to ask:
What does it all mean?
What is the Christian, biblical perspective?
How should we view what is taking place?
How can we go through this period meaningfully?
We know:
The Lord Jesus tells us in:
Matthew 24:6–7,11
6 “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.
7 “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.
11 “Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.
God is sovereign does not mean He is pleased with all that is taking place in this world
What is abhorrent to God e.g. LGBTQ lifestyle (Rom. 1:18,26,27; 1 Cor. 6:9-11) is being propagated, promoted as expressions of human right to choose the lifestyle one pleases - nothing wrong - liberation
The apostle Paul tells us in:
2 Timothy 3:1–5
1 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.
2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,
4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5 holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.
Q1. In allowing COVID-19 and other calamities to take place,
is God trying to communicate something to mankind?
Q2. Is God seeking to accomplish something?
I will now share some of:
My reflections – on the basis of biblical revelation and looking to the Lord to understand what is going on
Answer is: Yes – to both questions.
1. God has important things He wants to communicate to mankind
God is a God of compassion, mercy and grace
2. There are positive things God wants to bring about/accomplish
How man responds to what God wants to bring about and accomplish is crucial.
Two broad categories
The world/trends in the fallen world
There is a need to pause – there is time/opportunity to pause and consider/reflect
What is wrong?
What needs to change?
There is urgent need for reversal of the serious negative trends in society
E.g. LGBTQ issues
greed, covetousness and preoccupation with material wealth,
personal ambitions, fame, pride, arrogance, self-confidence, promiscuity
God does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance: 1 Pet. 3:9
Believers should pray that unbelievers - in the midst of the terrifying things taking place and what looms ahead
- may pause and reflect over:
Let us pray earnestly for all unbelievers to be receptive to what God has to say to them:
Repent and find the true meaning and fullness of life which God has provided for us in Christ – in God's kingdom.
Let us be sensitive to God's leading and opportunities to speak to/in any way help unbelievers move in that direction.
What has been taking place in this world, especially COVID-19, can help believers to be more conscious of the times we are living in – many indications we are nearing the Second Coming of Christ
Our context
→ not easily deterred, distracted or in any way succumb to the wiles and attacks of the evil one
Our goal is not just to be able to survive
Concluding remarks
The evil one and the forces of darkness are actively at work during this period – to promote fear, worry, anxiety, misery, frustration and destruction.
God's people must learn to take our stand
We need to pray to God for protection and ask Him to help us discern the attacks and wiles of the evil one
Beyond that, we want to fare well and participate effectively in the fulfilment of God's purposes.
God is sovereign and kind – but it does not mean all will emerge better off
Strong affirmations of faith in God is not meaningful
Not all assurances to allay our fears and anxiety are helpful.
Sometimes they can be detrimental to our spiritual health
Recently, during this COVID19 pandemic, I happen to come across a video clip on the internet - showing the preaching of a well-known preacher - who declared that on the basis of the assurance from God in the Scriptures:
"no virus can come near you”.
Interestingly, he quoted from the same psalm the evil one quoted from - in his temptation of the Lord Jesus recorded in Matt. 4. He draws large crowds and his preaching/teaching influence many.
Two key areas to work at so that we can emerge stronger after COVID-19:
When these two areas are going on well, it will provide a conducive context and framework within which all the positive areas that are important to God can flourish – including:
Let us commit ourselves to spend our time meaningfully in this direction - towards fulfilling these goals during this period
As we do so, we can meaningfully affirm Rom. 8:28
In fellowship,
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General Messages > COVID-19 Pandemic Sharing
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